Tesztelésre érkezett // Sent for review
10% kedvezmény // 10% off code: KHSQ10
Mindenféle króm-por újdonságok közül jöjjön ma a Galaxy Holo Flakes (link), a Born Pretty Store jóvoltából. Flakie, ami holo, holo, ami flakie, hmm... jónak ígérkezik! :)
Out of all those new chrome powder novelties, let's look at Galaxy Holo Flakes (link) today! I got this from Born Pretty Store. It's a flakie that's holo and holo that's in flakie format, hmmm... this is going to be interesting! :)
A Galaxy Holo Flakes pigment a szokásos zárt csomagolásban jön, 0.2 gramm pigmenttel.
The Galaxy Holo Flakes pigment comes in the usual packaging, sealed, with 0.2 grams of product.
A pigmentet lehet "szórva" is alkalmazni, de a körömbe beledolgozva is, így szép, lineáris holo hatás érhető el. Sima körömlakkba még sajnos nem tudtam ilyen jól beledolgozni...
You can use this pigment by "sprinkling" it over the nail, but rubbing it in results in a gorgeous linear holo effect. But I can't get the same effect with just nail polish...
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L-R: nail polish, nail polish, gel polish, gel polish |
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L-R: nail polish, nail polish, gel polish, gel polish |
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L-R: gel polish, gel polish, nail polish, nail polish |
Én a körmömre géllakk alapra tettem, fixmentes fedőre (Moyra Clever Cover), simára beledolgozva, de mivel azt akartam, hogy kijöjjön a "darabossága", így - a króm hatást direkt "tönkretéve" - sima gyorsan száradó fedőlakkot raktam rá. Szép lett, nem? :)
On my nails I applied the pigment on a no-wipe gel base (Moyra Clever Cover), rubbing it in, but because I wanted it to have more of a "galaxy" holo effect I applied a regular fast drying top coat - so ruining the chrome effect, but on purpose. It's still pretty, isn't it? :)
A pigmentet a Born Pretty Store webshopban megvehetitek és felhasználhatjátok a 10% kedvezményre jogosító kuponkódomat is. (KHSQ10) (Csak a teljes árú termékekre váltható be.)
You can buy this pigment at Born Pretty Store and you can also use my 10% off coupon code (only valid for regular priced items). (KHSQ10)
You can buy this pigment at Born Pretty Store and you can also use my 10% off coupon code (only valid for regular priced items). (KHSQ10)
Born Pretty Store: http://www.bornprettystore.com
Galaxy Holo Flakes: http://www.bornprettystore.com/born-pretty-galaxy-holo-flakes-laser-nail-flakies-sequins-holographic-glitter-powder-paillette-p-39677.html
A többi körmös-strasszos-nyomdás kelléket a Born Pretty Store Nail Art részlegén érhetitek el.
You can find all the other BPS nail art related items here: Born Pretty Store Nail Art
You can find all the other BPS nail art related items here: Born Pretty Store Nail Art
BPS 10% kedvezménykód // BPS 10% off code
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