Tesztelésre érkezett // Sent for review
10% kedvezmény // 10% off code: KHSQ10
Mindenem a körömápoló olajok, úgyhogy a legutóbbi Born Pretty Store tesztcsomagomba kértem egyet az (akkor) új körömolajaikból. Nagyon szép, új kinézettel rendelkeznek (fémes külső és mintás papírtok), de a belbecs is kifejezetten jó, és ez a toll forma kifejezetten praktikus. Én a barackos (link) olajtollat kértem, mert már próbáltam tőlük korábban barackos olajat, és kíváncsi voltam, ahhoz képest milyen.
I really love nail & cuticle oils, so in my recent Born Pretty Store package I picked out a new nail & cuticle oil pen from them. It has a really nice, new look (mirror/metallic pen and cute patterned paperbox), and the oil in it is great too, and the pen format is super practical! I chose the peach scented oil pen (link), because I tried a peach oil from them before so I was curious: is this similar to that?
Így néz ki a termék. Említettem, hogy papírtokban érkezik - na igen, én valahova elkevertem az enyémet, így sajnos nem tudtam lefotózni... de lentebb tettem egy képet a hivatalos oldalról, hogy hogyan is néz ki. :) A tollban 2 ml olaj van, ami átlagos, de engem nagyon zavart, hogy nem láttam, mennyi van még benne...
This is how the pen looks. As I mentioned, it comes in a paperbox - however, it got lost somewhere in my rooms, so I couldn't photograph it... but below I put a pic I got from the official website of how it looks. :) The pen contains 2 ml of product, which is the average, but it really bothered me that I couldn't see how much is left in it...
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forrás // source |
My nails and cuticles are in good shape nowadays, so it didn't wow me, but it's an OK nail oil for everyday use. It absorbs in quickly, but the scent is different than my previous peach nail oil. On the downside, it ran out of oil really quick, in about 2 weeks (and I didn't use it everyday). But in addition I think this is a great cuticle oil, especially for traveling. :) Plus I'm a bit clumbsy, so I tend to knock over my nail oils in the glass bottles, so I prefer using nail oil pens rather than those.
A tollat a Born Pretty Store webshopban megvehetitek és felhasználhatjátok a 10% kedvezményre jogosító kuponkódomat is. (KHSQ10) (Csak a teljes árú termékekre váltható be.)
You can buy this oil pen at Born Pretty Store and you can also use my 10% off coupon code (only valid for regular priced items). (KHSQ10)
You can buy this oil pen at Born Pretty Store and you can also use my 10% off coupon code (only valid for regular priced items). (KHSQ10)
Born Pretty Store: http://www.bornprettystore.com
Peach Cuticle Oil Pen: http://www.bornprettystore.com/bottle-born-pretty-nail-cuticle-fruit-flower-flavor-manicure-nail-nutrition-care-p-39329.html
A többi körmös-strasszos-nyomdás kelléket a Born Pretty Store Nail Art részlegén érhetitek el.
You can find all the other BPS nail art related items here: Born Pretty Store Nail Art
You can find all the other BPS nail art related items here: Born Pretty Store Nail Art
BPS 10% kedvezménykód // BPS 10% off code
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